Welcome Hashi's Sister!
Thank you for signing up for the Hashi's Sister's Autoimmune Thyroid e-Course. I want to congratulate you on making a commitment to learning more about Hashimoto's and autoimmune disease in general.
This is an email driven e-Course. There are 6 modules with 3 lessons each and you will receive daily emails with a link that leads you to each lesson.
There will be a two (2) day break between each module to allow you to catch up on the material if you need to.
Also, you won't receive emails on Saturday or Sunday. I like to have time off from emails on the weekends and I'm sure you do too.
I trust you will find the information interesting and hopefully it will get you thinking on a new level about thyroid, adrenal, immune system and gastrointestinal health.
Be sure to save the introductory email you received because it contains your password for each module.
For now, please download and print the following documents. These are intended for your personal use at your discretion for self-assessment and discovery as you go through the course: