The Fat Conundrum: Good Fat versus Bad Fat

One of the keys to having good energy, staying focused and maintaining a healthy metabolism is by using healthy fats. You can actually program your body to burn fat with good fats! Even if one isn’t overweight, it is important to burn fat because many of the toxins that enter our body are stored in…
Women’s Gluten Free Summit
Do you ever wish you could sit down with some of the most influential doctors, health practitioners and experts in the world and pick their collective brain on gluten sensitivity? With so much misinformation and controversy out there, it can be challenging to know what’s true and what’s not… What’s important and what’s hype… What’s actually going…
Nurses and Nutrition Issues
The reference to Nutritionist versus Dietitian is a hot topic today, and the laws are ambiguous in many states in regard to who can do what and when. I decided to research the issues further and gathered information through my own states nursing board as well as Center for Nutrition Advocacy. Let it be known that Shannon Garrett, RN…
Basal Body Temperature Chart
Dr. Broda Barnes on Thyroid Health and the Basal Body Temperature Chart It is controversial, but many physicians believe that hypothyroidism is underdiagnosed and that many people who have had blood tests indicating normal thyroid function may actually suffer from hypothyroidism. These physicians believe that many patients with normal test results have some thyroid hormone that…
Designs for Health July Nutraceutical Updates
July 2014: Designs For Health’s Nutraceutical Updates Featuring Top Products: Metabolic Synergy and Arthroben. Introducing New Products – PurePaleoProtein. Product Updates: Emulsi-D3 is now Hi-Po Emulsi D3! **FEATURED TOP PRODUCTS** Maintain Healthy Glucose & Insulin Levels: Metabolic Synergy has been a top selling product for years. 77% of all US adults take multivitamins – are you getting a high quality,…
Natural Beauty & Skincare Tips
Two Reasons to Add Honey to Your Favorite Moisturizer or Cream Honey isn’t only for the kitchen…it’s a valuable skin saver too. Raw local honey is one of the best all-natural remedies you can apply to heal, nourish and protect your skin. It is best applied by adding it to your skin cream. For one, honey has…
Trim Your Tummy with Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens – who knew the little yellow flower often thought of as a nuisance growing wild in the grass had health benefits? I’m not suggesting you run out and start pulling dandelion weeds out of your yard because they do need to be grown and harvested in the proper setting for human consumption. But…
Shannon Garrett Wellness Launches New eStore!
I am thrilled to announce that Shannon Garrett Wellness has launched a new eStore! This is an exciting way to introduce and offer you targeted professional products including science-based nutraceuticals and medical foods of the highest quality on the market. My first product line features the complete professional product line from Designs for Health (DFH). I chose to align myself with Designs…
Top Thyroid Questions: Radio Show Talking Points
I was invited back on the radio as a guest of The Wellness Workshop with Celeste and Phil Davis (courtesy of Community Minded Radio, to share my most frequently asked thyroid-related questions from clients. Below are highlights from tonight’s show. Please be sure to also check out Thyroid 101: The Basics You Need to Know! 1.…
The Ultimate Preventative Medicine
Conventional medicine has always held the belief that aging is inevitable and that the diseases of aging (heart disease, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis and senility) are a part of the normal aging process. Fortunately, there is an exciting revolution in science and medicine that identifies aging as a disease process. The downward spiral of physical and…