Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism and Gastroparesis
Research has shown a link between Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism to a condition called gastroparesis. Although I have not experienced this condition personally as of yet and hope I never do, I have had many clients who have reported symptoms of what could potentially be related gastroparesis – particularly when TSH is chronically elevated despite thyroid…
Improve Digestion with Essential Oils
Improve Digestion with Essential Oils Our health depends not just on what we eat, but our ability to digest, absorb and assimilate our nutrients. Topically applied essential oils can play a key supporting role in optimizing our digestion. When digestion is challenged, topically applied remedies such as high quality essential oils can offer valuable digestive support. These are…
Preparing for Surgery Part I: When You Must Use Antibiotics
Last July (2015) I had to have surgery. I rested a lot while I was recovering because it really took me down. The procedure was 4.5 hours. When I was one week post-op I was feeling semi-okay, but I could tell that my body had undergone a major shock due to anesthesia and trauma to the tissues. My recall wasn’t good and…
Apricot-Quinoa Cereal
Apricots are those beautifully orange colored fruits full of beta – carotene and fiber and rich in vitamin C. Apricots are rich in antioxidants which means they protect against the damage of free radicals. Other health benefits include protection of eyesight, heart health, apricots protect against inflammation, help control blood cholesterol levels, and support…
Are Food Cravings Red Flags for Underlying Issues?
You have probably heard a lot lately about the “root cause” for certain conditions like Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune disorders. I know that one of the top questions my clients ask is “how did I get sick?” They want to know the root cause … understandably and so do I. Although the answer isn’t always as straight-forward as we would…
The GI Tract: Food Sensitivities Might be the Cause of Your Symptoms
You’re ready to throw your hands up in the air with frustration because you have been to multiple doctors and had endless tests yet you’ve learned nothing definitive. You may have symptoms like chronic headaches or migraines, muscle aches or joint pain, fatigue, digestive or tummy issues, rashes, foggy brain, fatigue and more and you’re at a loss when it comes to learning how to…
Natural Health & Digestion
Natural Health & the Digestive Tract Do you struggle with poor digestion? The purpose of the digestive system is to break down the foods we eat so that vital nutrients can be absorbed into the blood and used to fuel body processes. When a person’s digestion is poor, these goals cannot be achieved in full. If the…
Why Detox in the Fall?
It is suggested that we detox 4 times a year, once with each season, to cleanse our bodies of the toxins that accumulate each quarter from environmental factors, stress, and lifestyle choices. What are some signs that you are toxic? Allergies Constipation or loose stools Fatigue Acne and other skin problems Bad breath Poor circulation…
Trim Your Tummy with Dandelion Greens
Dandelion greens – who knew the little yellow flower often thought of as a nuisance growing wild in the grass had health benefits? I’m not suggesting you run out and start pulling dandelion weeds out of your yard because they do need to be grown and harvested in the proper setting for human consumption. But…