Your Gut is the Gateway to Health


An explosion of scientific research worldwide is providing new insights into the importance of the gut as “the gateway to good health” and giving new meaning to the phrase “you are what you eat.” The neglected organ has been subject to increasing scrutiny as technological advances are revealing the health of your gut is the…

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Paleo Collagen Anti-aging Smoothie

The human body produces collagen naturally; however, it diminishes as a result of aging.  It’s really not fair! The outward signs of decreased collagen production are often seen as wrinkling and thinning of skin and brittle hair and nails. (who needs that??). Poor joint health can also be a result since collagen supports our joints,…

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Inflammation: The Root Cause of Illness


Inflammation and problems with the digestive tract are often the norm when it comes to living with autoimmune disease.  It is inflammation that is the driving force behind Hashimoto’s but did you also know these factors can also accelerate aging and increase the risk of degenerative diseases? Inflammation can also lead to adrenal fatigue…another reason why it is so important to work on digestive issues.…

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Apricot-Quinoa Cereal

  Apricots are those beautifully orange colored fruits full of beta – carotene and fiber and rich in vitamin C. Apricots are rich in antioxidants which means they protect against the damage of free radicals. Other health benefits include protection of eyesight, heart health, apricots protect against inflammation, help control blood cholesterol levels, and support…

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Are Food Cravings Red Flags for Underlying Issues?

You have probably heard a lot lately about the “root cause” for certain conditions like Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune disorders.  I know that one of the top questions my clients ask is “how did I get sick?” They want to know the root cause … understandably and so do I.  Although the answer isn’t always as straight-forward as we would…

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Steps to Take After Accidentally Getting Glutened

When my doctor initially told me that I had to give up gluten I felt hopeless because I believed it would be impossible since gluten is in everything from cosmetics to condiments.  Since that day I have mastered the art of living a gluten-free lifestyle; however, there are those few rare occasions when I unintentionally come in…

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Amazing Bone Broth!

Excerpt from the Young at Heart French’s Forest: The Amazing Health Benefits of Bone Broth Besides the exquisite flavor bone broth imparts into any savory dish, it also: Is full of minerals Fortifies the immune system Enhances digestion Nourishes all body parts related to collagen. This means the joints, tendons, ligaments, skin, mucus membranes, and…

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The GI Tract: Food Sensitivities Might be the Cause of Your Symptoms

 You’re ready to throw your hands up in the air with frustration because you have been to multiple doctors and had endless tests yet you’ve learned nothing definitive.  You may have symptoms like chronic headaches or migraines, muscle aches or joint pain, fatigue, digestive or tummy issues, rashes, foggy brain, fatigue and more and you’re at a loss when it comes to learning how to…

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