Benefits of Nettle Tea

Nettle, also known as Urtica dioica, gives a sting to those who brush against its dark green leaves, but the irritating toxin produced by the nettle plant is actually responsible for its healing effects.  In fact, people suffering from arthritis, gout, or other rheumatic ailments can rub stinging springs of nettle directly on aching joints.  The…

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Are Food Cravings Red Flags for Underlying Issues?

You have probably heard a lot lately about the “root cause” for certain conditions like Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune disorders.  I know that one of the top questions my clients ask is “how did I get sick?” They want to know the root cause … understandably and so do I.  Although the answer isn’t always as straight-forward as we would…

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Get Control of Your Hormones!

I was recently diagnosed with primary frozen shoulder on the left side.  For those of you who have experienced this condition you know exactly how painful it is.  I would say in the beginning, my pain was a level 9 to 10 most hours of the day – and forget sleeping because it was virtually…

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Natural Health & Digestion

Natural Health & the Digestive Tract Do you struggle with poor digestion? The purpose of the digestive system is to break down the foods we eat so that vital nutrients can be absorbed into the blood and used to fuel body processes. When a person’s digestion is poor, these goals cannot be achieved in full. If the…

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