Hidden Sources of Gluten + Can You Feel What Your Antibodies are Doing?

Gluten (Latin word for “glue”) is the substance that gives bread its airy and spongy texture and dough its sticky texture. Gluten is an inflammatory protein found in many grains such as wheat, semolina, spelt, kamut, rye, and barley. But gluten was not always a part of our food supply.  You can read more about it…

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Are Food Cravings Red Flags for Underlying Issues?

You have probably heard a lot lately about the “root cause” for certain conditions like Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune disorders.  I know that one of the top questions my clients ask is “how did I get sick?” They want to know the root cause … understandably and so do I.  Although the answer isn’t always as straight-forward as we would…

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The GI Tract: Food Sensitivities Might be the Cause of Your Symptoms

 You’re ready to throw your hands up in the air with frustration because you have been to multiple doctors and had endless tests yet you’ve learned nothing definitive.  You may have symptoms like chronic headaches or migraines, muscle aches or joint pain, fatigue, digestive or tummy issues, rashes, foggy brain, fatigue and more and you’re at a loss when it comes to learning how to…

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Health Coach or Wellness Consultant: Do You Need One?

These days a health coach might be your personal trainer, registered dietitian, nutritionist, massage therapist, life coach, yoga instructor, or nurse wellness consultant, like me. 🙂 It is interesting that we have so many laws limiting what a certified health professional can teach their clientele…of course they cannot diagnose or prescribe because practicing without a…

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