Tips to Relieve Symptoms of Hashimoto’s Inflammation

Hashimoto's Inflammation

When you think about chronic inflammation, does it make you think of a fire that is burning out of control?   Unlike the type of inflammation you notice when you experience a cut or bruise as the result of specialized white blood cells congregating to clean up the area, chronic inflammation is not visible to the naked eye.  

An imbalanced intestinal area also releases inflammatory cell activity that can cross the brain’s protective barrier and contribute to various mental health conditions including depression or anxiety.  Inflammation is also what underlies most chronic health conditions including Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and other autoimmune illnesses, periodontitis, cancer, insulin resistance, and osteoarthritis. 

Preventative, proactive medicine should include information that, for example, gets to the underlying cause(s) of inflammation. For example, periodontitis is rooted in inflammation and is an early red flag and warning sign of a potential chronic health issue. Inflammation, in this case, may not necessarily be confined to inflammation at the tissues that surround and support the teeth. It may also be occurring at a deeper level within the body, for example, the vascular system.

Inflammation is a silent killer because chronic internal inflammation is invisible and until you are affected with obvious physical symptoms, you may not even be aware of the fire that’s burning within your body.  To listen to and understand the language of your body means that you must learn to recognize symptoms that point to inflammation.

Were you inflamed even before you knew you had Hashimoto’s? 

Consider the following.  Do you recall experiencing any of these symptoms before Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism was suspected? These are just are a few examples of a body that is inflamed:

  • Acid reflux/heartburn
  • Allergies or sensitivities
  • Chronic acne
  • Chronic dry eye
  • Recurrent urinary tract infections
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Dermatitis
  • Dry eyes
  • Eczema
  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontal disease
  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Chronic unexplained joint pain

As previously stated, inflammation plays a significant role in a normal functioning immune system.  Acute inflammation has its place and is the first response by the body to potentially harmful stimuli, like a cut or trauma to the skin, etc.  However, pillar #1 in Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism refers to chronic inflammation which is not the same scenario. 

Chronic inflammation is a process in which inflammation continues long term leading to a shift in the type of white blood cells involved and impacts the thyroid, adrenal glands, GI tract, immune system, hormones, bones & joints, muscles, internal organs and the central nervous system. Inflammatory cytokines may congregate in one area of the body such as the joints, etc. or systemically (throughout the body).  

When I look back to the decade before finally getting diagnosed with Hashimoto’s (and celiac, and pernicious anemia), there were early signs of inflammation such as a puffy face, hands, and feet when I woke up in the morning and severe joint and muscle pain throughout the day, especially when I walked.  Prior to those days, I had severe bladder pain related to interstitial cystitis (IC). IC was my first experience with a condition that seemed to “come and go” for no apparent reason. The point is that all of these symptoms were early warning signs of inflammation at a deeper level in addition to where I noticed obvious symptoms.  The puffy sensation in my face often felt tight and stiff, and I noticed in pictures that my smile wasn’t as open as it used to be; thus I hid from the camera for about a decade.  

Think of Hashimoto’s inflammation as a fire burning out of control

The problem with chronic inflammation compounds because the damaged intestinal wall makes it more difficult for you to absorb electrolyte minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium.  These minerals are calming and help to put out the fire of inflammation, and they are necessary to maintain proper pH balance; which by the way an imbalanced pH in the body and inflammation go hand-in-hand.

Inflammation can be reversed and relieved naturally without toxic anti-inflammatory medications that worsen intestinal permeability and raise the risk of GI bleeding.  

By embracing a few lifestyle changes you can reverse chronic inflammation and you will see an improvement in symptoms.

Following the tips below will help relieve symptoms related to Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

10 Tips to Relieve Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism Inflammation

  1. Hashimoto’s Healing Daily Shake 
    3-5 grams Glutamine Powder (Gut inflammation, glutathione precursor)  
    1 scoop Paleo or pea protein
    2 scoops powdered greens (reduces inflammation)
    1-2 scoops TruFiber (gut health, fiber, contains prebiotics)
    Filtered water, coconut or almond milk for desired consistency (inflammation, detox, weight loss, hydration)
    Frozen berries, 1/4 to 1/2 cup:  Wild blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, or cherries (antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C).
  2. Vitamin D – Hashimoto’s patients do very well with oral liquid vitamin D.  I prefer the liquid form as opposed to capsules or tablets because it is more likely to be absorbed.  Vitamin D isn’t a “vitamin” at all – it’s a hormone and plays a role in modulating the immune system and in thyroid health.  
    I use and recommend Hi-Po Emulsi-D3. It is a concentrated, highly bioavailable liquid formulation offering a broad range of dosages and titration possibilities.  Each drop (not the dropper!) is 2,000 IU’s plus it lasts a long time.
  3. Drink warm filtered water with lemon & 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon sea salt upon rising (pH balance, detoxifying, reduces inflammation, adrenal support).
  4. Avoid gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, and GMO-corn.  Follow an anti-inflammatory diet that includes antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, organic, grass-fed meat, and healthy oils like coconut and extra-virgin olive oils.  The best nutrition for your unique body is one that avoids your unique food and chemical sensitivities.  I recommend the test by Cell Science Systems and have seen significant improvement in my health and for clients who follow the protocol.  Of course, you also should avoid processed and packaged foods.
  5. Use pancreatic enzymes mid-way through your meals and between meals on an empty stomach (beneficial for hyper symptoms, inflammation, digestion & absorption).
  6. Omega 3 essential fatty acids at least 1500 mg three times per day (suggested dose to reduce inflammation) 
  7. Try a high-quality bio-absorbable soy-free curcumin supplement (effective in reducing inflammation; however you should avoid if you have gallbladder issues. 
  8. Topical, transdermal glutathione cream (antioxidant). Apply one pump daily over the right upper abdomen (over the liver) after shower or bath. – Oral glutathione does not necessarily cross the cell wall, and blood glutathione levels don’t necessarily indicate glutathione levels inside the cell.
  9. Magnesium – Magnesium is a powerful anti-inflammatory mineral.  A study involving over 3,700 women showed that magnesium could have a significant effect on inflammation throughout the body.  This study found that lab markers related to inflammation such as C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis factor alpha, and interleukin 6 (IL6) and inflammation in the arteries were all reduced in response to increasing magnesium intake.  Constipation or slowed motility in the GI tract is often an issue in Hashimoto’s. There are several different forms of magnesium and the one that’s demonstrated to be the most beneficial Magnesium citrate. 
    The general recommendation for dosage is to take to bowel tolerance.  In other words, the dose that does not cause diarrhea. Please note that if you have a kidney-related issue of any kind that you talk with your doctor before supplementing with magnesium.
  10. Reduce stress by actively engaging in daily “time-out” activity. Ten minutes per day on a regular basis is all it takes to experience the benefits. Also, it is important to note that negative thinking, excessive worrying, and negligence to calm the body each day adds to and makes inflammation worse.  We all experience physical, mental, and emotional stress from time to time. The type of physical stress we’re not always aware of is physiological stress because it occurs deeper at the cellular level.




  1. Blum, S. (2013). The immune system recovery plan. New York: Scribner.
  2. Brownstein, D. (2008). Overcoming thyroid disorders. West Bloomfield, Michigan: Medical Alternatives Press.
  3. Garrett, S. (2014).  The Fat Conundrum: Good Fat versus Bad Fat.
  4. Waldeck, D. (2013). Inflammation. The SGN Project, educational video series.
  5. Office of Dietary Supplements – Magnesium. (n.d.). Retrieved December 05, 2016, from