
Watercress in a stainless steel colander

Therapeutic Benefits of Watercress With its rich resources of vitamins C and A and vital minerals, such as potassium and calcium, it’s no wonder that watercress (Nasturtium officinale) has long been appreciated for its nutritional content.  Originally believed to cure disorders of the brain, the herb was prescribed by Greek physicians as early as the…

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Heavy Metal Toxicity

Sources of Heavy Metals

Heavy Metal Toxicity If you struggle with weight loss resistance, hair loss, or Candida overgrowth you may have assumed it was due to Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism. Although it is true that these issues are common in cases of autoimmunity and/or low thyroid, the thyroid gland is the sentinel organ of the body and these symptoms (and…

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Winter Blues and Thyroid Health Lifestyle Tips to Feel Your Best

Woman on Couch with the flu Blowing Her Nose

Winter Blues and Thyroid Health:  Lifestyle Tips to Help Feel Your Best Have you ever wondered how the winter blues and thyroid health are connected?  Well, for many of us, a case of the winter blues e.g. seasonal affective disorder (SAD) can exacerbate (worsen) our symptoms related to Hashimoto’s.  The lack of sunlight, shorter days and colder temperatures…

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Your Annual Physical: 5 Critical Tests You Must Request


5 Critical Tests to Request at Your Annual Physical Approximately 45 million Americans get a routine annual physical every year.  The basic visit includes your physician or a nurse listening to your heart and lungs with a stethoscope, checking your blood pressure, perhaps checking your ears and mouth (say ahhh!), a few tubes of blood,…

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Hashimoto’s & Taking Care of Your Adrenals

Hashimoto's Adrenals

The “fight or flight” syndrome – you’ve heard of it, right? Imagine you’re being chased by a saber-toothed tiger dashing along with the intention to attack you as its prey. Believe it or not, we often get into this same situation in our minds without even realizing it. You see in our modern times we are not literally in that same life-threatening situation (or…

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Essential Thyroid Labs

Thyroid Labs

Thyroid Labs  When I worked in the clinical setting I often observed physicians ordering TSH and Total T4 ONLY to assess a patient’s thyroid.  Naturally, I would debate the issue with them time and time again, and only a few listened to the point that they changed their orders.  I even posed the question to one new resident “if this were your…

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When Should You Request Thyroid Ultrasound?

thyroid ultrasound

Thyroid Ultrasound While most of us with Hashimoto’s know how important a complete thyroid panel is, there is another assessment just as crucial. Thyroid ultrasound is valuable as a screening tool and yet many physicians do not routinely order them, at least not in the same way breast mammogram, colonoscopy, and other similar preventative tests are…

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Risks of Thiamine Deficiency

Risks of Thiamine Deficiency

Risks of Thiamine Deficiency Thiamine, which is also referred to as Vitamin B1, is water-soluble and plays a role in the conversion of carbohydrates, the break down of fats and protein, digestion, nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, liver, and the health of the immune system. Thiamine also assists in blood formation and in the…

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7 Tips for Eating Mindfully

7 Tips to Eating Mindfully

Do you practice eating mindfully?  Food goes far beyond satiating hunger at meal times.  Providing your body with the nutrients required to thrive is a very special ritual and one that should be treated as being special. Creating your eating ritual to be one of mindfulness is the key to maintaining a healthy relationship with…

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Hashimoto’s and Leg Swelling

Leg Swelling Calf Pain

Hashimoto’s Leg Swelling and Calf pain There are many side effects related to hypothyroidism caused by autoimmune thyroid disease.   Skin tissues are often affected and one of the most frustrating signs is a condition called myxedema which can happen anywhere on the body, especially on the face and eyelids.  It is also troubling when myxedema…

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