Thyroid Basics 101
Many integrative and naturopathic doctors believe thyroid disease should be viewed as a public health emergency. Research studies show that at least 40 to 80 percent of the population has a thyroid disorder, such as thyroid cancer, subclinical hypothyroidism, or autoimmune thyroid disease, e.g. Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease. I have Hashimoto’s which is worrisome to…
Hidden Sources of Gluten + Can You Feel What Your Antibodies are Doing?
Gluten (Latin word for “glue”) is the substance that gives bread its airy and spongy texture and dough its sticky texture. Gluten is an inflammatory protein found in many grains such as wheat, semolina, spelt, kamut, rye, and barley. But gluten was not always a part of our food supply. You can read more about it…
Preparing for Surgery Part I: When You Must Use Antibiotics
Last July (2015) I had to have surgery. I rested a lot while I was recovering because it really took me down. The procedure was 4.5 hours. When I was one week post-op I was feeling semi-okay, but I could tell that my body had undergone a major shock due to anesthesia and trauma to the tissues. My recall wasn’t good and…
The Beat Goes On Radio Show Appearance
A couple of weeks ago I was invited to be a guest on Rolanda Perkins’ live radio show The Beat Goes On (WGNS Radio-Murfreesboro) and we had a blast! Rolanda is an amazing woman and advocate for Go Red For Women since being touched by heart disease. Below are some of the talking points for diabetes which we…
Grain-Free Porridge
It can be very difficult to find grain-free breakfast options that taste very good. Try my favorite breakfast grain free porridge. It is deliciously crunchy and satisfying. It’s “detox” friendly and will keep things “moving right along” during the holidays plus it’s quick and easy to prepare and perfect when you’re trying to avoid grains due to…