Celebrate Fall with A Cleansing Detox
Are we toxic? Years ago, I asked myself this question, and the answer honestly changed my life. When diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, I knew I needed to make significant changes to take control of my health. I began with a re-evaluation of my relationship with food. For years, I struggled with emotional binge eating and subsequent…
Are Probiotics Right for You?
In the past, I’ve spoken about gut health and its importance in managing inflammation in our bodies. For us living with Hashimoto’s, the importance of achieving this balance is even more imperative. One of the simplest ways of contributing to our microbiome is in the form of probiotics. Do you wonder if you’re taking the…
Bad Hair Days: Hashimoto’s & Hair Loss
My journey with Hashimoto’s affected my health in many ways. From chronic pain (especially in my calves and shoulders) and weight gain to puffiness in my face, hands, and feet. It was a mystery for so many years until I learned that every strange and new symptom in my body was a side-effect of Hashimoto’s.…
Top 3 Stealth Infections And Hashimoto’s
Infections and Hashimoto’s is a popular topic. One question I get asked a lot is related to infections and what people are hearing about in Facebook groups or learning from “Dr. Google.” It can be overwhelming so I wanted to share what I’ve learned through various thyroid medical conferences. Researchers have found there are three…
How to Improve Thyroid Symptoms with Progesterone
How to Improve Thyroid Symptoms with Progesterone Thyroid symptoms are often preceded by or coincide with fluctuating hormone levels. Estrogen dominance is a term used to describe the situation when your body has too high a level of total estrogen in relation to your amount of progesterone. The ratio of progesterone is often found to…
Vitiligo & Thyroid Disease
One of the risk factors associated with autoimmune thyroid disease and not healing the immune system is secondary autoimmune conditions. When the immune system loses tolerance… lack of self-tolerance – it can’t identify which cells belong to you from those cells that are pathogens, i.e. viral or bacterial cells. When I realized that I could…
A Better Way to Order High Quality Thyroid Supplements
The dietary supplements you choose are key to achieving the health outcomes you desire. In today’s environment, many people prefer to purchase the products recommended by their wellness provider or consultant in ways most convenient for them. If people can’t conveniently buy what is recommended for them, they will switch to a formula that is…
How Coffee Can Impact Hormone Balance
Coffee Addiction and Your Hormones If you had to give up either coffee or the internet for 2 weeks, which one would you choose? How about either coffee or chocolate for 2 weeks? If you’d rather relinquish anything to keep your coffee, you’d be on par with the majority of the people around you. Believe…
Thyroid Round Table Updates
Recently I attended an educational event with several healthcare practitioners to learn about the latest research updates and clinical pearls regarding thyroid disorders. This is “Part I” based on what I learned. Part II will follow in my next newsletter. TSH Test vs. The Woltman’s Sign We’ve been hearing for the past few years that the TSH test…
Cracked Lips & Vitamin Deficiency
As part of the largest organ of our body, the skin on our lips is also one of the most sensitive. This skin is formed the same way as the rest of our body’s skin, except that its outer, multilevel cell layer is very thin and not as well protected by a tough outer layer…