Spinach & Blueberry Salad with Lemon Basil Dressing

Berries are the crown jewels of summer. They’re not only delicious, they are super healthy and rich in antioxidants that help fight disease and inflammation making this spinach & blueberry salad with lemon basil dressing a great simple salad year round. With only a few ingredients, spinach and blueberry salad makes a great side dish…
Chicken Tacos with Cole Slaw

Chicken Tacos with Cole Slaw Cole slaw may not be the first thing you think of when thinking about chicken tacos. But marinating coleslaw in fresh cilantro, lime and olive oil makes all the difference! This tasty, zippy flavored and easy to prepare version of chicken tacos is one of my favorites from the Hashi’s…
Pancakes with Rhubarb Compote
This gluten-free, thyroid-friendly and weight loss supportive recipe is new from the Spring Hashi’s Sister’s Jumpstart and contains rhubarb for its amazing health benefits and liver support. Rhubarb is well known for the following benefits: Aids with weight loss Supports digestion Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease May prevent cancer and macular degeneration Stimulates bone growth and…
Paleo Cashew Truffles
You know when you get those “I’ve got to have some chocolate!” episodes? Experts say that a craving for chocolate is associated with a magnesium deficiency. Check out this article. Chocolate cravings seem to be an issue mostly for women (although I happen to know a certain mail who requires chocolate on a daily…
Slow-Cooked Stuffed Peppers
Have you ever actually been tested for food sensitivities? Not everyone with Hashimoto’s necessarily needs to follow the autoimmune paleo (AIP) diet to improve symptoms. We all don’t react negatively to nightshades (although the topic is a popular seller of books to say that we do). The diet you should be following is the one…
Grilled Eggplant with Honey Mustard Dressing
Eggplant is definitely a summer favorite! I love it because it’s full of antioxidants to help fight free radicals. Although it is technically a nightshade, not everyone is sensitive to or affected by it in any way. If you’ve been feeling sluggish from the summer heat and ready to try something different for Labor Day…
Carrot Cake Bites Recipe
Gluten-free, Dairy-free Carrot Cake Bites are perfect for a healthy snack or dessert
Gluten Free Grilled Swordfish and Orange Fennel Salad
Gluten-free grilling sauces can be hard to find. Last summer I fell in love with San-J’s sauces by accident when I was making a stir fry dish. If you love swordfish and looking for a twist, you’ll love this gluten free grilled swordfish recipe. Serve it with orange fennel salad and it’s the perfect summer…